Friday, December 16, 2011

5 weeks, 6 days - Mushrooms

Since I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease, I've been taking a variety of vitamins to make up for the absorption problems that I experience. I've been taking a calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement, a regular multi (which is now a prenatal + fish oil for DHA) vitamin, an iron supplement, and a B Complex. I ran out of my B complex the other day and, since the prenatal vitamin I'm taking has a lot of B12 in it, I didn't go get more. And now, all I want in the world is mushrooms. Mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms. I've always liked them more than your average bear, but lately, I can't get enough of them. I've been eating an 8oz package almost every night with dinner and then craving them throughout the day. Right now, all I can think about in my entire life is cream of mushroom soup. It's making me crazy. I'm not even hungry and I can't stop thinking about it.

So I looked up mushroom cravings and vitamin deficiencies on the internet. Sure enough, mushrooms are a natural source of what? Vitamin B. So, until I have the money to invest in a mushroom farm or my body learns how to properly absorb the B vitamins in my multi vitamin, it looks like I should continue to take that B complex, eh? Man, I think it's so crazy weird and neat that our bodies can do that, that they can just tell us what they want. I haven't been tested for Vitamin B deficiencies or anything, but I find it a little too coincidental that I started NEEDING mushrooms right at the same time I stopped taking my B complex.

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