Wednesday, December 28, 2011

7 weeks, 4 days - Blah

So, I have full fledged morning sickness these days. As Amy, Megan and my Peace Corps friend, Caro, mentioned during their pregnancies, it subsides mostly if I make sure my stomach isn't empty. It's pretty amazing how that works. I've been keeping crackers next to my bed to eat when I wake up in the morning and am making a concerted effort to snack throughout the day, but it's tough because I'm never hungry. Blah. Just so queasy.

I'm also thinking that it might be nerves, though. Last week, Matt and I were out shopping and I started spotting for no reason. Now, I understand that to be a normal thing in early pregnancy, however at 7 weeks? Doesn't seem like it could be implantation bleeding that late, does it? I was very nervous, so I came home and checked the internet, which as we all know, is always a good idea when you're nervous about something. Ugh. Of course I came across stories of women who spotted in week 7, called the doctor who told them it was nothing to worry about, then ended up having a baby with no heartbeat when they went in for their sonograms a week or two later. :( I'm going to call the doctor early next week. Hopefully, they'll schedule me quickly for a sonogram and I can stop worrying so much.

In the mean time, I'm trying to celebrate my morning sickness because it's supposed to be such a good sign. No vomiting, but a constant queasiness. The websites say vomiting is really the most positive sign, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :(

1 comment:

  1. Yay, name check!

    When we spent 2 years trying to get pregnant, I used to say to myself that I'd gladly puke every day if I just could be pregnant. Thankfully we got the baby, and I didnt puke every day :-)
