Monday, December 19, 2011

6 weeks, 2 days - Moody? What's it to you?!

Ugh, so when Amy was pregnant, she really liked this fantastic site called Baby Center. I went on and found a lot of things I liked, so I decided to create an account and follow that site as opposed to the millions of others out there. They have a checklist for things you should do each week/month/trimester. One of the things I "should do" at this point is join a birth group on their website. So I did. Oh. My gosh. It is the source of all annoyances in my life right now. Stevie frequently says that she doesn't like people and man, I can totally see why. They're just... idiots. They say the stupidest things. I've stopped reading them, but man, I just can't get over how stupid these message boards are. I guess they're supposed to be supportive or something but mostly they're just whining. Get. Over it.

So, maybe I'm grumpy. At least I'm not crying. :)

In other news, I have morning sickness. It started pretty much they day we hit week 6. Weird. Hopefully mine will stick to the morning because it seems to go away as soon as I get something on my stomach. I'm keeping crackers next to my bed, so maybe I'll eat one in the middle of the night when I wake up to go to the bathroom or something. Anyway, it's a gross feeling but so far, easily manageable. We'll see if I change my tune in weeks to come.

1 comment:

  1. It is probably moot at this point. I felt the same about the Babycenter month group. Too much internet anonymity is a bad thing! But I joined a sub-group that was babies for Thanksgiving week, and that's turned into a nice support group, and moved over to facebook.
