I think it's pretty widely known and accepted that moms know everything. I've always assumed it was because when you're super tiny, you don't need to know very much and when you get older and your questions get harder, your mom just keeps up with the types of questions you'd ask. But I'm not so sure anymore. I have now taken apart and fixed our washing machine twice. Would I have done that last year? I just don't know.
So, our washing machine has been acting up for several months now. Last month, it kicked it for what we thought was for good. A washer is not in our lease, so our landlord would not cover it and instead, we'd either have to get a new one or start using the stupid laundromat. Gross. So one day last month, in a fit of handiness (and lack of clean underwear), I decided to fix it. It was pretty easy. I just looked at what we were doing before to make it work and using my powers of deduction, determined that a piece had come loose and no longer registered that the lid was closed. No problem. I just pulled off the lever and taped it down so it thought the lid was always closed. Ta-dah! Jeremy was ever so impressed with my mechanical skills.
I came home from the holiday vacation to find it broken again. Jeremy keeps saying that I broke it, but the thing is, there were about 15 other things broken in the house when I came home and it wasn't working when I first tried it so, really, who broke it? Regardless, it's been sitting there full of water since last Monday and just this morning, I decided that I could fix it. Because I watched an episode of Breaking Bad last night. If you're unfamiliar with the show, it's about a high school chemistry teacher who is dying of lung cancer, so he decides to "break bad" and start cooking and selling Crystal Methamphetamine in order to pay for his treatments and leave money for his family. Anyway, in the episode last night, he was making batteries and it somehow dawned on me this morning that the problem with the washer must be that the circuit won't close. Duh. So, I pulled it apart this morning and sure enough, the piece that was closing the circuit when the lid was closed was broken. So, I pulled off the wires, connected them together and ta-dah! The washer works again. I feel like I just created fire. Such a simple concept, but I'm so proud of myself. :)
And I blame it on being a mom. I truly believe that 9 short weeks ago, I would have just said, "eff it" and bought a new on one craig's list. But apparently, the mom genes kick in early.