So, it really looks like a blob, but that blob shows that there's a baby in there. Hooray! I tried to circle the things that the tech showed me, but I'm not 100% positive I got everything right. Just mostly looks like a blob to me.
So, there's an old wives' tale that if you have bad morning sickness, you're more likely to be having a girl. Since mine hasn't been bad at all, I'd decided we must be having a boy. But I was reading my What to Expect When You're Expecting book this morning and found another wives' tale that said if the heart rate is under 140 it's a boy, over it's a girl. Well, as our nugget's hr is at 170, it must be a girl. So who am I to believe? Jeez. Those old wives. Holly assures me there is no medical reason to believe any old wives tales, but whatever. They're fun. So I'm back to who knows. My book also said that normal early fetal heart rates are between 100 and 160. Again, ours was at 170. So already, our baby has high blood pressure. Not really. The doctor and sonogram tech both said it was great, so maybe it means it's an over achiever. I don't know. But hooray!
It still doesn't feel real, but it's a huge relief to know that there's really a baby in there this time.
Interesting...I always thought if you were sick more it was a boy, being that the genetic differences react to the mother's body...more conflicting wives tales...