Thursday, January 12, 2012

10 weeks, 0 Days - Kumquat

Maybe I'm not giving you all enough credit, but I thought you may not know what a kumquat looked like, so I thought I'd provide a graphical depiction of how big Baby Blob is this week. It's not bigger than a breadbox, but it's a heck of a lot bigger than that puny quarter! Also, exciting news is that we officially have a fetus! Prior to today, Baby Blob was still considered an embryo. Today, we've got a fetus in the house. Hooray!

Overall, I'm feeling pretty good. I have waves of nausea from time to time, but it's nothing to complain about and really feels a lot like regular Celiac's. And I'm pretty much a pro at that. :) Aside from that, I'm tired and moody but otherwise pretty good. I've lost about 4 lbs, which I was pretty surprised about at first because I haven't been throwing up or feeling particularly sick. I can't eat as much at one sitting, though, so I'm sure that's why. And I stay full a lot longer. I'll take a tummy pic tonight and post it tomorrow, but there's no change that I can tell yet. It's still early as far as I'm concerned, but the websites and books say that my clothes are probably feeling tight by now. They're not. Aside from the fact that I'm not bloated or anything, I have a long torso and relatively strong abs, so I guess I might not start to pooch for a while yet. We'll see; it's still awfully early.


  1. Uh oh: they say the facial features are starting to develop now; so 'Manda if you feel a poking sensation, well, that's probably my fault... ;^)

  2. I, for one, am glad you posted that photo of a kumquat. And I am putting in an order for you to have a boy so that he can share all of cousin Carter's clothes. Since Carter was born in August, he will have warm & cold weather clothes in the sizes you will need. (Brooklyn being born in Jan. will have off-season clothes in the sizes you need if you have a girl.) Just sayin'. While, I'm at it (making requests)...could you please deliver on August 7 (you've already changed your due date once, so why not again :) It would make it so much simplier for Phil and me to remember your baby boy's (our grandblob's) birthday...we are having a hard time remembering things these days! By the way, I'm very impressed about the washing machine!! Glad you are feeling pretty well.

  3. I lost 4 lbs in the first trimester for both my babies. The best part was gaining it all back and then some! Love your posts! Keep them coming
