Thursday, January 5, 2012

9 weeks, 0 days - First Sonogram

Well, today turned out to be an emotional rollercoaster. I called the doctor's office this morning after 9, as they directed yesterday, to find out the results of my blood test. The receptionist took my name and told me that a doctor would be calling me back to discuss my results. So, naturally, I freaked out. Last time, the receptionist just told me straight away and scheduled me for a sonogram right then and there. Someone -- not the doctor -- called me back shortly, told me my levels were "nice and high" and told me that the doctor wanted me to come in today or tomorrow. Today or tomorrow?! Egads. I freaked out again. When they want to see you immediately, it's never a good sign, right? Well, turns out they were just being extra cautious because of last time. All was fine. I messed up the date of my last period when I talked to them, though, and told them it was 11/3 instead of 11/6. But I guess it doesn't matter. The sonogram tech told me that my due date will be 8/9 based on the size of the baby, not the date of my period so it didn't really mess anything up. That's why you'll notice that we skipped ahead a few days overnight.

Anyway, the baby looks like a blob. She pointed out arm and leg buds to me but they didn't look like anything. The heartbeat looked like a moth fluttering against a lightbulb. Just fluttering super fast. 170 beats per minute. I guess that's very good. Both the doctor and the sonogram tech said so. Dr. Elliot came in afterward to shake my hand and see if I had any questions. He is just so lovely. He said congratulations and that he's so happy for me and was just so so so warm and nice. He said that he wanted me to come back in 2 weeks, but when I went to schedule with the receptionist, she got all flustered because it was too early for my NT test. She wanted to schedule me for 3 weeks and I told her that was fine with me, but she ended up scheduling me for 2 weeks and then said I'd have to come back for the NT. Then, on the way back to work, Dr. Lashgari called to ask if I wanted to reschedule so I could do the NT at the same time. She only left a voicemail, so I didn't get a chance to talk to her or, you know, find out what an NT is. So, I called when I got back here and rescheduled my appointment, then found out that the NT is the down syndrome test which I promptly opted out of. I can't think of any good reason to do it and I feel like I've had enough to worry about already. If the baby has down syndrome, then we'll find out the day it's born and I don't think we'll be any worse off because of it. I can't think of anything different it will need in those first few weeks, so why spend the next 7 months worrying?

Today was a rough day.


  1. Well I thought I posted a long message here last night but it apparently didn't publish. Anyway, we are thrilled that the sonogram came back with positive proof. We anxiously await new updates. Again, congratulations to you and Matt...and love to all THREE of you!!

  2. Also, this was the day you told your sister, who is VERY excited at the prospect of Auntie-dom. (that's dom, not dumb...) So that makes it an awesome day!!!

  3. 170 beats per minute is just perfect! Sounds like your sweet little "blob" is doing great! Congratulations again!
