Tuesday, March 20, 2012

19 weeks, 5 days - Pregnancy Pilates

I'll be the first one to admit that I haven't been exactly "good" about working out up until now. It's something I regularly feel guilty about when I talk to my coworker, Mika, as she's still running 1/2 marathons. I really meant to get in good shape before I got pregnant, but it just didn't really work out that way and now, it's too late to start something like a couch to 5k program. Having said that, this weekend, I WAY overdid it. It was beautiful out, so I decided to get started on my gardening. I weeded and mulched the entire back garden, planted some pots for my steps, picked up copious amounts of sticks that fell out of the rubbish tree over the winter, mowed and edged the lawn, and took a couple of walks. Not to mention I went to Lowe's three times, hauled 9 bags of mulch from my car to various gardens, babysat for the neighbor, and went through all of my skinny clothes and replaced them with fat ones. I woke up on Sunday morning and then again on Monday morning so stiff and sore that I could hardly move. My hamstrings, butt, and lower back just ache ache ache from all the squats and bending over I did while gardening. That made me start to freak out that I'm losing all the strength in my core since I haven't been doing pilates or crunches or anything since I got pregnant. Not freak out freak out, but still, I wasn't thrilled with the idea that I was losing all the strength out of my core right when I'd need it most. Sooo... I bought some DVDs! I'm so proud of myself for it. It's just a small thing, but it's a small thing that I can take control of and not feel like I'm behind or... well, out of control on. I got _Pilates During Pregnancy_ and _The Perfect Pregnancy Workout_, both of which are rated as really difficult. Which is good. I hate when you get a video and master it within a week. I'm looking forward to doing some core strengthening exercises to make sure my back doesn't get too weak in the weeks to come. So yay! And the best part is that I paid for them with my cash back bonus from my credit card, so they were pretty much free. Hooray for taking control and not feeling out of control!! :)


  1. Good for you! Heck, we hadn't even heard the word "Pilates" back when I was pregnant.(come to think of it "exercise" was a rather foreign term too...lol)

    Now we just need to help you find a word to use instead of "FAT". You most certainly are NOT fat!
    How is the little guy/girl supposed to grow if he/she doesn't push your tummy out!?! Give the kid a break!! :)

    1. SPEAKING OF!! I had the weirdest thing happen last night! I should probably blog on it actually, but I was laying there in bed reading and all of a sudden it felt like someone had attached a helium tank to my belly. It started to grow and got much bigger than I'd ever seen it. I lifted up my shirt and pushed on it a bit and it was rock hard. Normally it's firm but it was rock, rock hard. After about 30 seconds, it went back down to normal. But it happened two more times. So crazy! All I can think is that Sputnik is usually hanging out in the back of my uterus but last night, he rolled around and came up to the top for some light or something. It was the weirdest feeling ever! But so so cool. :)

    2. It sounds like he rolled over and had his backside against your belly. Back in the day when we were told to put our babies to sleep on their tummies, that was a favorite position of all babies...all scrunched up with their little butts up in the air!

    3. Or they could be braxton hicks! That was my first thought but I had not heard of them happening this early.

  2. Hey there :D Krindy. I was googling after I got home from work and I think I know what your crazy baby bump hardening was. They are called braxton hicks contractions. A lot of people get them all through the pregnancy and its your body practicing for labor. Completely normal so say the fellow blogger mommies to be so it will probably happen again. See you tomorrow for a our walking date!! :)

  3. Wow. Seriously? Braxton Hicks? I've heard of them, but haven't read anything about them yet because I assumed it was way too early for something like that. Weird. I'm going to have to read up on it more, I guess. Thanks for the research, ladies!

    1. Ok, so I read about them and I don't think that's what they were. Yes, my tummy was hard, but it didn't feel like muscle hard; it felt more like there was something under there that was hard. And the Braxton Hicks description doesn't explain why my tummy would have grown so much right before it happened and then shrunk back down after. Regardless, it was pretty cool.

  4. Good job on the DVD's! Stretching and lightly toning is probably very good for you and the babe. Stick with it! Good for the body and the mind. :)
