Friday, March 30, 2012

21 weeks, 1 day - Baby Fun Fact #1

Baby Fact #1: Baby gets quiet with the sound of my voice.

It's so cool. No matter how active little 'Nik is, as soon as I start talking, she calms down and is still until after I'm done. I've noticed that she's super active during my work meetings, but I hadn't given it too much thought. Yesterday, my friend, Megan (who is due 13 weeks ahead of me), said that her husband has been reading the same story to their baby every night. They read somewhere that the baby can hear it and when it's born, it can recognize it and that may help soothe it when it's fussing. So, anyway, last night 'Nik was going crazy while I was lying in bed reading to myself. Remembering what Megan had said, I put down my book and picked up "Guess How Much I Love You." As soon as I started reading, she stopped moving all together. No more Krav Maga. No more Kung Fu. Just still and silent. Until about 10 minutes after I stopped reading when she started up again. And then it all made sense! When I was trying to get Matt to feel her moving around, I first told him that she's moving a lot and asked if he wanted to try to feel. Then of course, she stopped moving all together. Until about 10 minutes later, after we'd been laying quietly, watching a movie when she started up again. And I never speak in my morning work meetings, so it would make sense that she's moving all around then, too. How neat! I don't know if it's the vibrations of my vocal chords or if she can actually hear the sound of my voice, but I just think it's so so neat that she gets all quiet every time I speak. :) I wonder how long THAT will last...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you are finally referring to the baby as a she (or he)instead of "it"!! lol Can't wait to hear about your appointment today and see an ultrasound photo (please post!!).
