Thursday, March 1, 2012

17 weeks, 0 days - "Ooh! You have a pooch!"

Of the many phrases I wish no one would ever say to me again, "Ooh! You have a pooch!" definitely ranks toward the top. That is what my boss so pleasantly pronounced yesterday, much to my chagrin. I did not react well. My initial gut response was to shout out, "I sure do, but it's not nearly as big as yours yet!" Fortunately, the vocal filter kicked in as I remembered that it was, in fact, my boss who said it and just smiled in agreement. Really though, folks, acceptable terms are "bump," "baby bump," "you're showing," "little belly," and other terms of endearment such as these. Pooch? Not so much.

Having said that, I was hardly able to button my pants up over my pooch this morning. I was shocked. Apparently, I haven't worn work pants in a minute. I guess I've been doing the skirt/dress thing for awhile now. So as far as I'm concerned, I went from nothing to about busting out of my pants in 2 days. Weird. Stevie and Eric got me a Be-band which I think I might have to start using before too long, but not until I get some maternity shirts because the shirts I have now aren't long enough to cover it. Matt is coming up a week from tomorrow for his nephew's baptism and he's going to bring with him some of Amy's old maternity clothes; hopefully there will be some tops I can use in there. If not, I guess I'll have to hit some consignment shops. I'd like to have some clothes before I'm unable to fit into my normal stuff, after all. How embarrassing would it be to have to call in sick to work because I'm too fat to wear anything?


  1. Sounds like a pregnancy perk to me..."Sorry, I can't come in today, I have a terrible case of fat." Hahahhahaha! I hope you try it at least once!

  2. Ha! Love it! Can't wait to see your baby bump! And can't wait to see you!
