Thursday, June 7, 2012

31 weeks, 0 days - 3-hour Glucose Test & Results

7:40 am - Oh, the best laid schemes of mice and men.  I had such high expectations and hopes for how this morning would turn out and they were all dashed in a single act of lazy stupidity.  Oh Amanda, will you ever win?  In a whirlwind of cleaning and straightening, I stuffed my lab paperwork into a bag to get it out of the way before my mom came.  I then took that bag to work.  Where I left it.  As you may or may not know, I do not live particularly close to work, nor is the lab where I am scheduled to have my test particularly close to work.  In fact, it’s super inconvenient because the best road to get from work to the lab is HOV only (in the direction I need to go) from 6:30 am to 9:30 am M-F.  Ugh.  Sooo… I drove to work at 5:50 this morning.  Traffic was delightfully light.  I ran into the building, grabbed the paperwork, and hopped back on the road to come to the lab… and realized that I didn’t actually know how to get there without using the HOV-only road.  Thank goodness Matt is so dear; he woke up to talk to me on the way and pulled up Googlemaps in order to guide me.  I arrived here around 7:15 and was pleased to see that the lab was pretty empty.  I wanted to arrive at 6:30 when they opened so that I could be first in line and then be able to be back to work early enough to work a full day.  I remembered from taking Daddy to the lab that being there first thing in the morning was frequently important because they take people on a first come, first serve basis.  Soo… here I am.

I registered with the triage person and then a phlebotomist drew my “starvation” blood level.  It just meant that I wasn’t allowed to eat since after dinner last night, so since I’m here so early in the morning, it wasn’t very difficult.  He tested my blood and, as long as the sugar level was below 140 during starvation mode, they were to give me a sugary drink after which they’d check my blood levels every hour for three hours.  So the clock didn’t start until I was given the drink.  He didn’t tell me what the level was but he came out shortly with a bottle of red glucose drink and asked me to drink it within 10 minutes.  I have to say, THIS drink lived up to the hype.  Oh my goodness.  It was FOUL.  But in a sweet way.  It didn’t taste like fish oil or anything, just really disgustingly sweet.  Not nearly as delicious as the 1-hour glucose drink.  And now I wait.  Blood draws at 8:27, 9:27 and 10:27.

7:51 am – that juice made my tummy hurt.  

9:20 am – I haven’t been drinking water because my tummy huts but I need to drink because being stuck four different times in 3 hours kind of hurts if they can’t find a good vein because you're dehydrated.
I stopped recording after that because I got SO very sick.  Like the sickest I've ever been in my entire life.  It was awful.  I ended up stopping at CVS on my way home and begging the pharmacist for help and then getting nearly hysterical when she couldn't help me.   I spent about 25 minutes there because I was too sick to drive and I thought I was going to faint then throw up while I was passed out and then choke on my vomit die.  Did I mention that I got a little hysterical? 

I came to work this morning and apologized to my boss for not getting back online once I got home but that I was far too sick to do so.  He told me that he'd heard that test makes you so sick that it takes everything you can do not to throw up, so he didn't expect me back.  Wtf?  Really?  If my BOSS knew that, why the heck didn't someone think to mention it to ME?  Arrgh.  Whatever.  It's over now and I'm fine.  Just a gross day yesterday.

The good news is that the doctor called around 4:00 pm to tell me that my test results were normal and I do not have gestational diabetes.  Hooray!  So all in all, it was worth it.  Though I'm glad I don't have to go through it again.


  1. Yea!! At least it was all worth it in the end. Besides, what's a first pregnancy without all kinds of stories, right? Now every time someone tells you they're pregnant and they have to have this test, you can say, "oh, well, let me tell you...." :)
