Friday, June 29, 2012

34 weeks, 1 day - 99% Safe!

Big milestone yesterday!  99% of babies who are born at 34 weeks live and have no long term problems related to premature birth.  In fact, if you have problems after 34 weeks, doctors will frequently just go in and get the baby rather than putting you on bedrest or giving you drugs to keep you from going into labor.  That is a comforting thought indeed!

I can't believe we're already at 34 weeks.  I'm in Atlanta right now, going through a dry run of mommy-hood with little Cousin Carter.  His birthday is 8/7, two days before Baby is due.  I envision them becoming very close since they'll be so close in age.  That makes me happy to think about.  Of course, I'm not sure how this weekend is going to prepare me for motherhood in reality, since Carter is just a little angel and is so easy to deal with.  I hope it doesn't set unrealistic expectations of how our baby is supposed to behave.  We'll see if I still think he's such a good little man after the weekend, but so far, he's pretty fantastic.

I'm getting good and big these days.  People still like to tell me how tiny I am, but now that strangers are able recognize that I'm pregnant and not just chubby, I don't mind as much.  I can't imagine, though, how uncomfortable it must be if you really do get huge.  I've gotten to a point where I get fairly regular nausea and cramping in my legs, I can't bend over very easily, and I have trouble sleeping.  If my belly was as big as many of those I've seen, I can't even imagine how grumpy I'd be.  I haven't had hot flashes or been unduly put out by the heat, even this recent heat wave that's put us into the triple digits.  Don't get me wrong; I'd rather it be 85 all the time, but I don't think I'm any more uncomfortable with this heat than I was last year.  The diabetes diet is going ok, but it makes me kind of grumpy.  I started out by actually losing weight while I was trying to figure out what I could and couldn't eat, but I think that's mostly subsided.  I don't have a scale here but my weight had stabilized last time I checked it.  Not up to quite what they recommend you put on for this point, but I seem to put it on in spurts rather than a steady pound per week, so I'm not too worried.

Anyway, Carter is awake so I'm going to go get him.  It's not too much longer now before I'll be saying that about our own little Baby!  I just can't believe we're in the home stretch!!

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