Wednesday, April 11, 2012

22 weeks, 6 days - Hot Flashes

I got my first hot flash today. I never really understood what a hot flash was until now. I always assumed it was just a matter of feeling hot all of a sudden and, while that really is what it is when you break it down, it seemed a lot more alarming to me than that. I got REALLY hot all of a sudden. Like take my breath away, I'm having trouble breathing and feeling a little sick, hot. It was so bizarre. I was soaked with sweat and actually had a really weird craving for sugar along with it. All I could think of was taking off all my clothes and laying down. So I got super tired with it as well. I mean really, it was one of the most bizarre experiences of my life. I wonder if this is what menopause hot flashes are like. A few minutes later, I was back to my normal, always cold self only now I'm covered in sweat so I'm even colder than I usually am and my tummy kind of hurts from munching on these stupid sour gumballs. I guess I kind of know what my dad felt like; he used to sweat when he'd eat and then he'd just be so cold and uncomfortable that he could hardly stand it. I didn't sweat as heavily as he did, but again, I feel cold and gross now. What a weird, weird thing.

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