Friday, April 20, 2012

24 weeks, 1 day - Baby Fun Fact #2

Baby Fun Fact #2: These days, babies born as early as 24 weeks have a fair to good chance at survival.

Holy moses!  Obviously, we don't want baby to be born for several months yet but it's awfully comforting to know that, if something happened and he DID come, there's a fair to good chance he'd survive.  Yes, he'd likely have long-term issues, but wowzers!  That's a pretty big milestone.  :D


  1. That is a very comforting fact : )

  2. Oh, and I completely adored the note and card you gave Matt, informing him of baby pieper's decision to move to Atlanta. That was awesome. I can't tell you how excited I am to have you here. A babysitter!! Just kidding! I really am looking forward to my babies having some cousins around. I can't wait to see them all play together. Their ages will be close, it will be perfect. Talk to you soon! Andrew and Allie's wedding is coming up so quick!
