Wednesday, April 18, 2012

23 weeks, 6 days - Baby gone crazy

Oi. This baby. I'm not sure what's gotten into it lately, but hot damn, has it been doing some mad gymnastics. I've had a pretty bad tummy ache when I wake up in the morning the past few days and, along with that, it seems like the baby is FREAKING OUT with activity. I told Phil and Sue this past weekend that I could feel movement, but I couldn't ever tell if it was just a small movement or a big one that goes all the way across my tummy unless I feel it from the outside. I must retract that statement. As of yesterday morning, I could feel this little nugget squirming in circles on the left side of my tummy. I'm sure you'd have been able to see it from the outside, but it didn't occur to me to look until it was too late. But again, I've had a stomachache the past two mornings... so I ask you this: does gastrointestinal distress cause a baby to be more active? Does the baby hear the gurglings of my guts and try to get away from it? I don't want to make the baby uncomfortable, but it's kind of neat to feel little Baby moving around that much. :)

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