Friday, July 13, 2012

36 weeks, 1 day - Belly pic!

Egads.  36 weeks.  What to Expect When You're Expecting says that I'm officially 9 months pregnant now (though BabyCenter still says only 8.5).  I cannot believe Baby is going to be here so soon!  Surprisingly enough, aside from the broken foot, I've been feeling better than I have in weeks.  I've been sleeping again finally, which I attribute to the cool down in weather.  I had started sleeping in the basement on the air mattress, but had to abandon that with the broken foot since the only bathroom is on the second floor and I can't do stairs very effectively anymore.  So thank you very much, Mother Nature, for giving us a cool down just when I needed it.

I told my boss that I'm moving to Atlanta after the baby comes.  He was very supportive and kind, but told me that our project has no place for me and suggested that IBM would likely lay me off.  I had expected that, but had convinced myself over the past few months that it wouldn't really happen.  I was very sad and had quite the pity party for myself between my foot and the job disappointment (especially in the face of getting a promotion less than a week ago), but a lot of people have helped me see the truth of things (how much worse things really could be or could have been ) and I'm not feeling quite so sorry for myself anymore.  So that's good.

Nana Deb is coming over tonight to help me pack.  I'm hoping that we can get about 90% of the packing done this weekend so that the rest is just going through some quick motions.  I've found the whole process so far so overwhelming that I haven't done much on my own.  I feel pretty guilty about it, but my mom has been lovely and assured me that she's not going to judge me for how little I've accomplished without her.  She said that it really just makes her feel more needed.  Thank goodness. I was feeling really terrible for being so lazy.  It's just that it's always an over whelming thing to do, let alone when you have to do it by yourself... when you're 9 months pregnant... and have a broken foot.  It just seems like an awful lot. I try to break it into tasks but my mind keeps jumping to the big picture and then I shut down and go to sleep.  Super glad to have mom here.  Lots of people have offered to help but I don't even know what to have them do, so hopefully, not only will we get packing done but we'll be able to have a game plan together so that I can direct people who want to help me. I've felt really lucky and loved lately with the huge influx of support and offers to help and overly generous gifts and that's a really nice place to be. :)


  1. I'm glad she's coming to help. I wish I could, too. Maybe I can do something helpful after my semester is over...We'll see. :) Mom's pretty good about that stuff, so I'm sure you'll get plenty done!

    1. Aww, thanks Steve. I wish you could, too. Your support is awfully helpful, to be honest. And we're going to need lots of help once we're in Atlanta so once the term is over and I live closer, there will be lots of opportunities, I do believe. I'm so glad she's coming, though; I'm so stressed out about getting all this stuff done. I feel like just throwing everything away instead of packing it. Not the best mindset to be in.

  2. Don't worry Amanda! Everything will be all finished before you know it, and in just 4 weeks you'll be holding that beautiful baby in your arms. I'm at Will's right now, so please let me know if I can help you at all while I'm here. I'm sorry to hear about your job, but I'm glad for you that you'll have more time with the babe at home. 4 more weeks!!! Yay!!!
