Thursday, July 19, 2012

37 weeks, 0 days - FULL TERM!!!!! & Dr. Appointment

Hooray!!  We're officially full term as of today!!  If Baby decided to make an appearance today, she would no longer be considered a premie but a full-term baby!!  :D

So, I had my first of the super exciting doctor appointments today.  It did not turn out to be particularly exciting, but I think it's exciting that they're checking to see if I'm dilated in order to estimate how soon Baby is coming.  Turns out I'm not at all, so Baby is probably a ways off yet.  But still, it was pretty exciting.  All in all, it was a quick appointment, but a really nice one.  I tested positive for Group B strep, which means that I'll have to have some antibiotics during labor because, while it's not dangerous for me, it could be dangerous for Baby if left untreated.  I guess it can cause Baby to get meningitis or pneumonia or something like that.  Anyway, not a big deal so long as we know about it.  The only other thing it changes is that I need to come immediately to the hospital if my water breaks.  Prior to this test, I wasn't supposed to come to the if my water broke unless the fluid was brown or green (which means there's meconium -- fetus poop -- in there, suggesting that Baby is in distress).  Other than that, my blood pressure was good, baby's heart rate is good, and my weight is down a bit but she's not worried about it since women this late in pregnancy frequently stop gaining or lose since their stomach is so much smaller what with baby pressing up against it.

As I've mentioned a million times before, I just love these doctors.  It was Dr. Lashgari today (who is the original doctor I fell madly in love with) and as usual, she was just fabulous.  She looked at me when I came in and said, "well, it looks like it was broken," referring to my foot.  Remember that she was the one who suggested I go over to the orthopedic doctor to have it looked at.  She seemed pleased that she recommended I get it looked at; it's probably gratifying when  you make those kind of high-level recommendations and they turn out to be a good idea.  Anyway, I asked her if she had any friends or colleagues in Atlanta that she could recommend as an OB because I didn't know anyone down there who loved their doctor as much as I love mine.  She gave me the name of a really good friend of hers and said that I'd just love her.  And said that her friend would be able to connect me with a pediatrician and an internist and whomever else I need down there.  Which is fabulous.  Amy gave us the name of her pediatrician that she loves, but it would be nice to get a PCP that we like, too.  Anyway, long story short, I think we've got a good shot at loving our doctors in Atlanta, too.  Hooray!

Next appointment: Thursday, 7/26 at 7:45 am.

Oh!  Also, completely unrelated to how much I love my doctors, I saw my aunts Lisa and Connie this weekend and when we were talking about how small my belly is, they mentioned that nobody knew Gramma Marcia (my dad's mom) was even pregnant until she gave birth to Lisa.  Apparently, she carried quite small also.  That coupled with my mom only gaining 11 lbs with me really is a pretty good explanation of why I haven't gotten big.  It was interesting to hear because I'd only heard stories from people on my mom's side.  I mean, really, other than Aunt Connie, from whom would I have heard it on my dad's side?  Even if he hadn't passed away, he was number four of six kids so it's not like he would really remember how she carried.  Aunt Connie, however, is number one of six, so she was old enough to be pretty aware by the time baby Lisa came around.  Interesting, huh?  I wonder if it will be like this for Stevie or for me with baby #2 (do you like how I'm talking about the next baby before I even have the first one?  ha!)...

1 comment:

  1. Full term or not, tell baby to hang on till at least the 7th! Wouldn't it be fun if mom had a grandbaby for her birthday? And I do like that you're talking about baby #2! You sound pretty excited, and you should be, it's very exciting!
