Thursday, July 26, 2012

38 weeks, 0 days - Dr. Appointment & Belly Pic!

No news is good news, right?  There's really not much to report.  Blood pressure is good.  Weight is ok (not losing, but not gaining).  Baby's heart rate is just fine.  I'm not dilated at all and Dr. Lashgari predicted that Baby will come mid-August.  I told her that I picked 8/21 in our baby pool at work and she said that's about the very last day she'd let me go before she induced me.  So that's kind of a good date to know, too.  She did say, though, that she could feel Baby's head while she was checking my cervix.  That is funny to me.  She said that she could feel the bones.  So weird.  And cool.  Can't wait to meet you, Baby!  Just hold out until 8/7, please!  Any time after that would be just fine.  :)
I know this dress isn't exactly the best thing to wear for a belly pic, but I posted this one for my mom.  I thought she'd get a kick out of it because we bought this dress together in Dallas when I was 18.  I didn't like it at the time, but she assured me it would be a "classic" piece that I'd get a lot of wear out of.  15 years later, I have to agree with her.  Not only is it a staple of my wardrobe, I can still wear it when I'm 9 months pregnant; it just fits a little differently.  I like it because it accentuates my belly more than any of my maternity clothes do without making me feel like I'm wearing a circus tent.

Sheri and I are going to Infant Care Skills class tonight.  We'll learn how to give a bath to a baby with an umbilical cord still attached and... well, and some other stuff.  I'm not sure what else.  I'm actually less anxious about the umbilical cord baths as I am about the other ones.  Umbilical cord baths are mostly sponge baths, right?  No problem.  It's when I get into the whole submersion  and fully soaping a squirmy little nugget that I get nervous.  We'll see how that goes.  Hopefully, they cover it in class.

38 weeks.  I just can't believe it!  Baby is coming so so soon!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited! I'm glad everything is still going smoothly (aside from the exhaustion of course - and you're right it is tough when you have other kids, but it is also VERY tough when you are still working!). Oh and youre right about the "bath" with the umbilical cord still attached. It's just a sponge bath. I did it right on the changing pad with my kids. They weren't even in a bath. Can't wait to see you and the babe!!
