Monday, July 30, 2012

38 weeks, 4 days - Movin on up!

Well, we're moved.  For the most part.  The packing that my mom and Shirley did got us 90% of the way there and I was able to complete the last 8% or so before Saturday when the dudes came.  There are a few odds and ends left, Jeremy still has some stuff there, and there's a load that needs to go to Goodwill, but otherwise, all is in Atlanta and unloaded from the truck, safe and sound.  On sound advice from Nana Deb, I left and went over to the Dossett's new house to play with Allison and Emerson for a bit while the guys were actually loading the truck.  I was disappointed when I came home and saw how sweaty and exhausted Matt and Andrew looked (did I mention that we hired a company to load the truck for us?).  I thought I had done such a good job preparing for the move, but I guess there was quite a bit left for them to do to help the guys out.  It's just a little disappointing when you spend all that money to have someone do it for you and then you still end up having your helpers do so much.  Both Matt and Andrew were wonderfully gracious and said over and over that I was really well prepared and that things were in great shape, that they didn't have to really do too much at all, but when they went back over the story of the move, it sure sounded like they did an awful lot.  <sigh>  Oh well.

I spoke to the boys a few times on their trip down to GA and it sounded like all went smoothly.  Pa Rehbein, Uncle Dave, and Uncle Andrew's dear friend Rusak were at the house ready to help unload when the boys got there, so everything was done as of last night.  Which is so nice for Matthew.  He can just wash his hands of that piece now.  The truck we rented was probably bigger than we needed, but it's better to be safe than sorry.  And Matt did say that the money was very well spent on the movers, so it sounds like overall, it was a good decision.

Now, it's back in my court.  I need to get the last few things out of the house and over to goodwill or to their owners and get cracking on making the house presentable so my security deposit will be refunded in full.  It's little things like filling holes and washing marks off of walls and spackling and painting and cleaning, but Jeremy is going to come over to help and, if I do a little bit every night, it shouldn't be that bad.  I think tonight, I'm going to disassemble any furniture or pieces that aren't going to goodwill and get them into the garbage.  Maybe tomorrow I can remove nails and cover holes, Wednesday clean the oven and start washing walls and just see how far I get.  I don't want to bother with floors until we're done with the spackling and sanding, not to mention having all of the rest of the stuff out.  Matt is coming back into town next weekend to drive the Toyota down to Atlanta, so I need to get things vacuumed and the basement rug steam cleaned before that, but otherwise, things can happen in their own timeframes.  <sigh> I'm just so so ready for this part to be done.  Then on to being a mama!

I still can't believe how far along we are.  It just kind of snuck up on me.  I don't think it will be too too much longer now.  I used to think I was going to go two weeks late, but I have not been feeling well lately.  My back has been hurting constantly and I have pretty regular tummy aches (and the issues that come along with tummy aches, if you know what I mean).  It's much harder to bend over and it's really uncomfortable to sit in one position for too long.  I get Toni Braxton contractions A LOT these days and I think all of those things together are signs that the time is coming closer.  So, I do still think I'll pass my due date, but I'm thinking now that it will be more like by a few days than by a couple of weeks.  We'll see soon!


  1. Yay!!!! Just so long as baby waits till at least the 7th! I'm so excited!!
    I know there's still some loose ends that need tying, but it must feel pretty good to have that major event done and out of the way for the most part. Don't try to do too much, you still have plenty of time and don't need to wear yourself out. :)

    1. You're absolutely right and I absolutely SHOULD feel that way. But I don't. I mostly feel disappointed and let down by how much there is still left to do. I don't know what I was thinking, as if there'd be some magical fairy who'd finish all the rest of the work after the boxes got moved, but it just looks like a new, giant project to me. I'm trying to stay positive about it, but there's just so much to do yet. It will get done. I just signed on for an awful lot in the last couple weeks of pregnancy. Maybe I won't be quite so ambitious next time. :)

  2. I have a feeling it will all be very different next time!
