Monday, May 7, 2012

26 weeks, 4 days - Freakshow Alien Baby

I'm officially grossed out by the baby.

At our last appointment, the doctor was trying to listen to Baby's heart beat but every time he pressed on my tummy with the thing-a-ma-jobbie, Baby rolled over.  Dr. Elliot laughed a little bit and told Baby to sit still so he could get it and then chased Baby around a bit before finally getting the heartbeat.  I asked him if he could actually see Baby moving and he said, "oh yes."  I was kind of excited about that because I'd never seen anything like it before, so I started paying attention to my belly during particularly active times.  The first few nights, I'd notice a bump or something but by the time I looked, it was well over.  I'd sit and stare at my belly for awhile then nothing else would happen, so I'd look away and then Baby would kick again.

A couple of nights ago, however, I got what I thought I wanted.  Turns out, I did not, actually, want to see the baby moving around inside my tummy.  It really freaked me out.  I wonder if that's why my dad got so scared during the Alien movies; maybe it reminded him too much of his own babies...?  Anyway, I noticed Baby being very active and caught a few bumps under my shirt, so I pulled it up to look directly at my tummy.  And I saw weird churning, bumping, and rolling around inside my belly.  It really looked like something straight out of a horror movie.  I stared at it for awhile a little freaked out, then heard Jeremy come upstairs to use the bathroom.  I called him into my bedroom and as soon as he walked in, there was movement all the way across my tummy.  He screamed like a little girl.  After he regained his composure, we both just stared at it, grossly hypnotized until Baby settled down enough that we started talking about how gross and freakish it was. 

What a good mom I'm going to be. 


  1. Hahaha--yeah as Baby's Godmother might say, "that's gonna cost you mother of the year"...

    But awww, what nice bonding time for Baby and her Godfather! Get used to that girlie scream, little one. Your Godfather employs it often.

    1. There no screaming as a girl. If anything it was more of a shuddering ala Ace Ventura 2 when they mentioned he'd be going after a bat. Anyways...What a glorious time!!
