Monday, May 14, 2012

27 weeks, 4 days - Baby Shower at Work

On Friday, work threw a shower for Mika and me.  I was NOT looking forward to it.  Not having had a graduation party for either highschool or college and not having had a shower as I'm not married <cue jokes about not having the OTHER kind of shower either>, I was very uncomfortable at the prospect.  I'm totally comfortable in front of a group of people.  I've done tons of theatre and I'm very good at giving speeches and presentations.  Completely comfortable.  This, however, shook me.  I didn't want to go and I didn't want to participate.  Of course, I couldn't really back out, though.  But what a pleasant surprise I was in for.

As much as I have no love for what I do, I was a little overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness everyone showed.  There were games, but there weren't ones where Mika and I were "on stage."  Everyone participated and everyone was equal.  Mika and I did kind of get on stage to open gifts, but we were there together so it wasn't everyone staring at me while I opened presents.  Which is just so weird.  I was so glad they did a joint shower.   Anyway, the people we work with are just so so lovely and kind.  As our "main" gifts, we each received our monitors.  Just for the record, the one Matt and I registered for was $300.  And ON TOP of that, we got a bunch of other wonderful gifts.  I just can't describe how generous people were and how touched I was that they were THAT generous!  Really, Mika and I talked about it later and it's just so amazing that we work with such loving and supportive people.  How lucky we are.

We also got some pictures and there are few where my belly is fully on display.  Since I haven't posted a belly pic in awhile, I thought you might enjoy seeing these:
Belly looks pretty girthy in this one, no?  Anyway, there you have it.  What a nice group of people we have surrounding us.  What lucky girls we are. 

P.S. I just can't believe how much bigger Mika's belly is than mine.  I don't know how well you can tell from the angle of that photo, but it's really really amazing to me what a difference it can be between two people. 

1 comment:

  1. How awesome!!! It's so fun to see, thank you for sharing! You both look very cute and preggers, no question. :)
