Thursday, May 31, 2012

30 weeks, 0 days - Belly pic & Glucose Update

Please disregard the silly shorts I'm wearing in this photo and focus on the mighty fine bump I'm sporting directly above them.  Lookin pretty pregnant these days, no?  And, just for fun, since we're 3/4 of the way there, here's a recap:

That's 6 weeks, 20 weeks, and 30 weeks.  I have a 10 week photo but it's a closer shot so it doesn't actually fit into the collage. And really, it doesn't look any different than 6 weeks so this works.  Anyway, HOLY MOSES!  Look how huge I am!  I mean, I feel huge but when I see the pics side-by-side like this, it really makes me recognize HOW huge I've gotten.  30 weeks.  I can't believe it's been this long!!  I wonder how long we'll go.  My mom said that her babies were all at least two weeks late.  My friend Megan went about 2 weeks before her due date.  Oh my goodness, I just can't believe it's coming so soon!
Well, I got the results of my glucose test; I failed.  :(  It doesn't necessarily mean anything yet, other than I have to take a more sensitive test.  I'm not sure if I'm going to do that or not, as my doctor referred me directly to an endocrinologist.  Generally, if you fail the first test, they give you another one during which they check your levels more frequently.  Since she referred me straight to a diabetes doctor, they might have a different procedure.  Who knows?  Anyway, my appointment is tomorrow at 1:20.

I'm very sad.  I'm trying to keep reminding myself that it doesn't mean anything yet, but it makes me very sad, still.  I feel like I've tried so hard to be so good and watch my diet so closely, but all I can focus on is all of the other things I COULD have been doing or should have been doing.   I'm just so very sad.


  1. Wowweee! That sure is a glorious bump!! Awwww my ne-bump. (that's cause we don't know if it's a niece or nephew...)

    1. isn't it wild how much bigger it got in just 2 weeks?

    2. AND i didn't put on any weight in the past 4 weeks, so that's ALL baby growth. So crazy!

  2. I think that no matter what, it's important to still take care of yourself, physically AND emotionally, and to remember that it doesn't matter if you did everything different, you still might have ended up exactly where you are. I wouldn't get down just yet. Stay positive and all will turn out as it should. [hug]

  3. Wow! You sure did pop! What a cute pregnant belly you have! And don't feel bad about the glucose test. Just because you failed it doesn't mean you did anything wrong or could have done anything to prevent it. Every woman's body reacts differently to pregnancy. A good friend of mine had her first baby about 3 months before I had Brooke. She developed gestational diabetes and never had diabetes before and she always ate very healthy. Anyway, point is, her pregnancy still went very smooth and her little boy Mason is just perfect. (he's the little boy in the pics on my FB that is kissing Brooklyn). So no worries mommy! You are doing everything just as you should.

  4. IMHO, this is the first one that looks really preggo to me!
