Tuesday, May 15, 2012

27 weeks, 5 days - Belly Changes

It's very interesting to me how much my belly changes throughout a single day.  There are times when it's very soft and it's hardly a belly at all.  Then there are others when it's super hard and I pass a mirror and it looks like I'm smuggling a cantaloupe around under my dress.  And the fluctuations can come within minutes.  It's so weird.

Last night, I was lying in bed feeling my tummy and it felt very, very soft.  That was a little alarming to me because you always think about and read about pregnant bellies being hard.  So I started poking around a bit.  I'd say more than 75% of it was very soft but there were a few spots that felt like I had big rocks under the skin.  and they were all lined up, so I figured that baby was laying with her back to my back and her face toward my tummy, so I was feeling her head, feet and knees.  That was pretty cool.  It's still very bizarre to me that there's a baby inside me.  A nearly fully formed baby.  Babycenter says that if Baby was born right now, her little lungs would be able to function.  It's just so wild to me that she's so far along when she still has so long to cook!

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