Thursday, February 2, 2012

13 weeks, 0 days - Last Week of First Trimester!

Hooray for the last week of the first trimester! I'm hoping that I can look forward to being less tired next week, though I don't really expect the clock to turn midnight and all of a sudden I'll feel different. I don't actually even know if I'm any more tired now than I was before I got pregnant, since I'm really always so tired. I'm still hoping, though. Other than that, nothing really to report. I'm feeling fine, no belly bump, as far as I know, weight is holding steady... though admittedly, I did not weigh myself this morning because I ate way too much of my mom's spaghetti last night. Note to self: do not wait THAT long for something you really want because you'll just end up gorging yourself. Oh Amanda, why did you eat so much spaghetti? Ugh... because it was so delicious, that's why!

Anyway, as of next week at this time, you'll finally be allowed to tell people. I know that's what my mom is waiting for.


  1. I think you should share the Debbie Pieper spaghetti recipe! No fair keeping it all to yourself now that you have made me so hungry! And if you keep eating like this, your baby bump will be growing in no time! (actually it will grow in spite of what you eat or dont. lol) Yay for almost being in the second trimester!!

    1. Haha, if I keep eating like this, I'm pretty sure it won't be a baby bump that's showing... hahaha! And I 100% agree on the "yay for almost being in the second trimester!!" This first trimester stuff is for the birds!

    2. Yes, but what is nice about being pregnant is that you can BLAME any spaghetti weight gain on the baby!! haha
