Wednesday, February 22, 2012

15 weeks, 6 days - Dr. Appointment

I had my 16 week dr. appointment this morning. It reaffirmed why I love my doctors so very much. I saw Dr. Lashgari again and she's just so lovely. She told me that my weight is perfect (up three lbs from my last appointment... which doesn't sound perfect to me, but whatever. I mean, really, three lbs in four weeks? Egads.) and my levels are all great except that I'm anemic. No big news there. She didn't seem worried about it or anything and since I've known that forever, I wasn't worried about it myself. It does explain why I continue to be so tired, though. I've been taking iron supplements for years now, but apparently, it's not helping as much as I'd hoped. Oh well.

After she went over all that, we listened to the heart beat again and she reminded me again why I like her so much. She seemed to get so excited when she found it. So cute. The Blob's heart rate has gone down to 141, which is great for a 16 week old baby so no complaints. She asked how I've been feeling and I told her that I've been sad and tired, but that my dad died a month ago so it's not unexpected. She wanted to talk to me a little about that and then recommended that I speak to a psychologist because there's so much going on right now with dad passing away, Matt being in Atlanta, housing being in flux, and me being pregnant. So we'll see about that. She then asked what daddy died of and when I told her it was complications of diabetes, she made a note and told me that, while it's unlikely I'll get it since I'm not over weight, they're going to start watching me closer for gestational diabetes because I'll at a higher risk for it. Which I thought was interesting because it's not one of the questions they ask on the form. If it's true that I'll be at higher risk because of my family history, why don't they ask about it when they ask about everything else? Weird. Regardless, it makes me feel better that they're watching me for it.

After we listened to the heart beat, I mentioned that I really liked hearing it because I'm not showing and I can't feel the baby kick and I'm not sick anymore, so it just doesn't feel like I'm pregnant. So she told me that I should come back in two weeks, just so I could hear the heartbeat again and keep from getting too anxious. She said that the baby is fine and I shouldn't worry about it and that I should focus on worrying about and taking care of myself right now. I thought that was pretty nice of her. I was hoping she'd measure my uterus, but I guess you have to have a belly before they do that so maybe next time. So yeah. All in all, a very nice, non-exciting appointment.


  1. She sounds like a very good doctor. :)

  2. Oh, Stevie, they're both so wonderful. I realize it more and more each time I'm in there, but specifically, when I was going through the miscarriage, I recognized how spectacular they are. They're so thoughtful and caring and really make you feel like they matter. They've both made it very clear that they're in the right profession. I feel so lucky to have found their practice.

    1. That has to be a huge relief. It's great to know that you're in such good hands. :)
