Friday, February 24, 2012

16 weeks, 1 day - Second Trimester "burst of energy"

Ha! Right. Since I entered the second trimester, I've felt nothing but hideously sick and ridiculously tired. What the what? Where is this "great feeling and burst of energy" I keep hearing about? It could be that I over did it this past weekend and I'm just paying for it now or that I'm eating things I didn't eat in the first trimester and they're not agreeing with me, but man, I have felt disgusting for the past two weeks. I did, however, take two of my iron supplements yesterday (one in the am and one in the pm) and by last night, I was feeling downright spry... right at bed time. But maybe that's the answer. Maybe my iron plummeted recently or something. In any case, I'm tired of my tummy hurting and being so tired that I can hardly function. Hopefully, once I'm caught up on sleep from the weekend and get my tummy back under control, I'll have that "spry" feeling to look forward to all day long. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Also, there will be a new belly pic soon, though I'm sorry to report that what I thought was a bump last week, I now think was a big lunch. I haven't taken a new pic yet, but it sure looks pretty flat when I look in the mirror. Though, I guess I thought that last week, too, so who's to say?

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